Remote Command-Line debugging with PHPStorm for PHP/Drupal (including drush)



XDebug with PHPStorm can do step-debugging on remote sessions started from the command line on a remote machine. You just have to set up a couple of environment variables, map the remote code to the local code that PHPStorm has at its disposal, and tunnel the xdebug connection to your workstation.

Note: If you just want to debug a PHP script (or drush command) on the local machine, that's much easier. Just enter PHPStorm's Run/Debug configuration and create a new "PHP Script" configuration.

Remote Drupal/PHP Debugging with Xdebug and PHPStorm


Step-debugging is one of the key skills for any developer, and it can be baffling. When you start trying to control a remote webserver with an IDE running on your local workstation though, it gets even more complicated with the network problems. This article will deal directly with Xdebug as the debugging engine on the PHP end and Jetbrains PHPStorm 7.x as the IDE on the workstation side, but these techniques will work for other IDEs like Eclipse or Komodo, and they'll work for the Zend debugging engine as well.

The Basics: How Remote Debugging Works

The first thing that you absolutely must understand is the sequence of events and how they're initiated. If you have xdebug configured in your PHP configuration (I'll show how later), then when PHP starts executing:

Tunneling HTTP to Debug or Develop an External Webservice Call


Summary: This post provides a way to develop/debug in a web environment where you don't have control of the calling party and your environment must be available on the global internet.

It can be difficult to debug/develop a handler for an incoming web service when you don't have control of the caller. For example, I was developing a handler for Mandrill's inbound webhooks, where Mandrill calls your site when an email comes in. So in this case

  • The receiving website must be accessible on the internet so that Mandrill can call it.
  • Mandrill alone is hitting the site. I could debug with an imitation POST, but then that wouldn't be the real thing would it?

There are a couple of ways to approach this:

Why I Donated To BackdropCMS


I've been a rabid supporter of Drupal; Of course anybody who knows me has watched my enthusiasm wear thin for various reasons, including simple burnout mostly, but also a number of frustrations with lack of progress in the community, especially with simple things like solving the support vacuum. However, I do not have an agenda against Drupal in any way, and as a professional programmer, I wouldn't be surprised if the core changes being introduced in Drupal 8 are a step in the right direction for future maintainability and sustainability. (Disclaimer: I have mostly ignored all of the changes and have only a rudimentary understanding of them. I wore myself out on Drupal 7 and swore off Drupal 8.)

The Future of Drupal Governance: Resources and Next Steps


Thanks to all of you for your enthusiastic and thoughtful participation in the Future of Drupal Governance core conversation at Drupalcon Denver. This post will provide resources for the conversation and attempt to summarize the ideas raised and actions taken at the core conversation, as well as to provide a path forward for us.

Drupal's Governance


This is the third in a series on governance and Drupal in preparation for the Drupalcon Denver Core Conversation on The Future of Drupal Governance. The first article discussed What is Governance and the second How Do Open Source Communities Govern Themselves?. Read all, Governance project on, Drupalcon presentation video.

Drupal's governance structure is so lightly defined that when I searched for Drupal governance the primary article I found was this one on denying that Drupal's governance is poorly defined. Certainly nothing showed up on Of course, these things can use words other than the formal word "governance", but there really isn't much written about this topic.

git clone --reference Considered Harmful


Just over a year ago I wrote a blog post explaining how to use git clone --reference to speed up git clones. That technique then went on to become a drush option (if $options['cache'] = TRUE and you're using git for drush downloads)

Well, I repent. git clone --reference should not be used IMO unless you really really understand three things:

  1. You really need to speed up clones and other fetches.
  2. You know that the cache directory will never be destroyed (.drush/cache/git in the case of drush managing the caching)
  3. You will never copy your working directory some place it cannot reach the cache directory (like scp'ing it to a remote machine)

Unless you actually know #2 and #3, you can be really hurt. I know, I've done it to myself several times now.

What is Governance?


This is the first of a set of blog posts on governance written for the Future of Drupal Governance core conversation at Drupalcon Denver - hope to see you there. The series continues with How Do Open Source Communities Organize Themselves?, Drupal Governance and The Future of Drupal Governance. (presentation video), (Governance project)

What is "governance?" Governance just a fancy word encompassing all the things we do to organize ourselves, make plans and decisions together, get things done, and resolve conflicts. It can be very loose (as is most of our governance in the Drupal community) or very structured. The key, of course, is whether it accomplishes what we want it to accomplish in the contexts we need it.

Refreshing a Stale Patch with Git


Git is so smart about merging that it's often possible to referesh a stale patch in the queue using just git, without even looking at the contents of the patch. (I'm not saying you shouldn't look at any patch you post, just that git will often do all the refeesh work for you.)

  1. Update to the latest version of the project you're working with.
  2. Use git log to find the hash of a commit near or just before the time the patch was posted.
  3. Create a branch from that commit: git checkout -b <date_based_branch_name> <commit_hash>. (I often use the date for the branch name: git checkout -b aug10 <hash>
  4. Apply the patch. It should apply cleanly unless there was already something wrong with it when it was created.
  5. Use git add and git statusto make sure that all your changes are staged, then commit the results.
  6. Create a new branch for the updated patch. I'll use git checkout -b bundles_removed_1245332_04 origin/8.x, which branches off of 8.x just for this feature branch.
  7. Merge the date-based branch: git merge <date_branch>
  8. If all goes well, you have a clean merge, and you can create a patch. In this case, git diff origin/8.x >drupal.bundle_warning_1245332_04.patch
  9. If you still have a merge conflict, you probably only have the really relevant part of the conflict (changes actually made in your patch which conflict with changes which have been committed since the issue was last active.) In that case, you can use git mergetool to reconcile the differences, but that's for another session.

For just updating a patch that was obsoleted by the D8 core files move patch in November, see xjm's excellent, focused article.

Here's the screencast:


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